All products made of leather from Cactus Creek Co are made from 100% genuine natural leather/hide. No two hides are identical however you will be supplied with the item that matches the advertisement photo, making your cowhide piece one of a kind.
To best maintain and care for your cowhide product, we recommend the following steps:
Avoid long periods of exposure to direct sunlight as all natural leather will fade overtime.
Avoid rough surfaces, again as natural leather will scratch and graze.
If extensive water damage occurs, leave in room temperature conditions to dry naturally for minimum damage.
Stay away from pens and any ink related objects, as most ink marks are extremely difficult to get off. Applying a leather cream will help avoid this to some degree.
There are many leather protective creams available, we strongly recommend applying on this on the leather regularly to keep your piece looking beautiful.
Always store your leather goods in a cool dry place, free from moisture.
Excessive hand sweat can damage hide.
If your cowhide rug is starting to curl at the edges, spray the top and underside with water to put some moisture back into the leather and then lay something flat e.g a book on top of the hide until it flattens.
PLEASE NOTE: That all cowhide products are real hair on hide. Excessive rubbing may result in that hair coming away from the hide and can leave patches and BALD spots! Cactus Creek Co takes no responsibly in the result of continual wear and tear.
To avoid bald spots/patches, DO NOT squeeze your cowhide items into small spaces or have hide facing/rubbing on other items.